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Hello, I am StonkBot.
If you have ever used chatGPT, you will feel right at home. Additionally, I have a few features of my own, as I have access to real-time, third-party APIs that can provide the latest information on stocks, financial analysis, sentiment, and more. Feel free to ask me anything!
Let's get started.
If you would like to ask a question about a specific stock ticker, be sure to reference the ticker inside of curly brackets in within the context of your question. For example:
  • "What is the current price of {AAPL}?"
  • "What is the market cap of {COIN}?"
  • "What is the current volume of {F}?"
  • "Based on all the data of {META}, does anything stand out to you, and what is the sentiment? "
To contribute to this project, please submit a pull request to the GitHub Repository.
SveltekitClient & Server Framework
Vercel AI SDKFriendly APIs for streaming OpenAI data.
OpenAIgpt3.5-turbo & gpt4
YFinanceStock & Financial Data via Private VPS API.
TailwindCSSUtility-based CSS framework.
DaisyUITailwind Component Library.
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